The Limpopo provides an incredible bird setting for these special camps. The Limpopo River has plenty of dams and weirs along its length and abundant water nurtures wonderful riverine forests.
Gigantic Figs, Acacias and the remarkable Ana tree tower majestically over the camps and host a dazzling array of birdlife such as the Koro, Lilac Breasted Roller, African Fish Eagle, as well as the rare Pel’s Fishing Owl. Go sit on your private deck with your binoculars and spot many birds flying by.
As we are aware that every traveler has its own personal preferences and budgets, we have put together a number of “Travel Suggestions”. These suggestions bring you to our Koro Camps in Tuli, Botswana and /or to Machangulo in Mozambique but along the routes to get there, we have made a number of selections of beautiful lodges and locations which are worthwhile staying. You can self drive, we can drive you, or you can even opt to use a private charter. Want to make the arrangements yourself? Or rather have that we make them? Everything is possible!